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Bread Squares, 4 different sorts, sliced

Bread Squares, 4 different sorts, sliced

Item no. 804

pre-sliced and divided into 56 portions

Mixed box of four carrée breads in the varieties:
- Wheat (1)
- Cobbler (2)
- Forester (3)
- Potato (4)

If you want to conjure up lots of delicious canapés or snacks quickly, you should try our versatile Carrée bread mix box. These bread plates in four different varieties are already pre-cut and therefore particularly easy to handle - the ideal basis for making delicious snacks. Topped with crunchy salads and fresh ingredients, they turn every catering into a special treat.

- Particularly popular varieties
- Delicious variety in a carton
- Quick and easy topping

Measurements: l 32 x w 28.5 x h 3.3 cm

Convenience level: parbaked , deep frozen

Weight 840 g, 4 pieces / carton
96 cartons/pallets