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Pretzel Christmas tree, ready baked

Pretzel Christmas tree, ready baked

Item no. 2554

Do you already know our testy pretzel fir tree?
The pretzel roll in the shape of a fir tree is the ideal snack for St. Martin or St. Nicholas. Simply defrost and the delicious roll is ready for use. Whether as a handy snack, refined with colorful sprinkles or sugar icing or topped as a sandwich item - with this pastry you are guaranteed to be right at Christmas time!

Our tip: For even more freshness and enjoyment, regenerate in the oven for 7-8 minutes at 100°C.

- keeps fresh for a long time
- without animal additives - 100 % vegan
- can be removed as needed

Measurements: l 13 x w 12 x h 2.5 cm

Convenience level: ready baked , deep frozen

Weight 60 g, 40 pieces / carton
72 cartons/pallets