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Berlin Pretzel

Berlin Pretzel

Item no. 699

Baked golden brown with a light stand-up collar, this sweet pretzel made from moist yeast dough with a delicious cinnamon-sugar topping is the perfect snack to take home. Offer your customers this popular pastry with fruit punch or a cup of coffee during the Advent and Christmas season.

Our Tip:
Refine the boiled pastry delicacy quickly and easily by cutting open the defrosted pretzel and filling it with a homemade vanilla or fruit cream.

- Easy to defrost and serve
- Ideal for the bakery shop
- Classic in a sweet variant

Measurements: l 14 x w 11 x h 4 cm

Convenience level: ready baked , deep frozen

Weight 70 g, 48 pieces / carton
36 cartons/pallets