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SG-Mini-Apple Swirl

SG-Mini-Apple Swirl

Item no. 3040

Packed in 3 crates of 23 pieces each

The mini version of the popular apple bun is wrapped with juicy apple pieces to form a small yeast bun. The fine sugar coating on the biscuit caramelises slightly when heated, creating a special taste sensation. As a sweet finger food, at a flying buffet or as an alternative to apple strudel, the small pastry swirl is equally convincing.

- Handy mini of the popular classic (Item no. 513 SG-Apple Swirl)
- A delight hot or cold
- Without sultanas
- A great dessert with ice cream

Measurements: Ø 5 cm, h 3 cm

Convenience level: ready baked , deep frozen

Weight 40 g, 69 pieces / carton
96 cartons/pallets