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Glossy Brioche Burger, sliced, 5 inch

Glossy Brioche Burger, sliced, 5 inch

Item no. 2674

Expand your range: With the attractively shiny surface of this bun, your burger menu is guaranteed to be the perfect eye-catcher. What's more, the eye-catching bun is also versatile and tastes good both savoury and sweet thanks to its special recipe. Simply defrost, top and serve - your new sales guarantor is ready. Also available as FF-Glossy Brioche Burger with 4-inch item no. 2679.

- soft crumb
- also suitable for the contact grill
- can be used quickly & flexibly as needed

Measurements: Ø 12.5 cm, h 3.5 cm

Convenience level: ready baked , deep frozen

Weight 100 g, 40 pieces / carton
44 cartons/pallets