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SG-Raspberry-Currant Doughnut, 65 g

SG-Raspberry-Currant Doughnut, 65 g

Item no. 25

Packed in 4 trays of 12 pieces each
New improved recipe!
The double-filled doughnut with fluffy yeast dough with the intense cassis aroma of the delicious raspberry-currant filling goes perfectly with the sweet icing sugar on the golden-yellow doughnut. For a doughnut with a fine dusting of granulated sugar, we recommend Item no. 15.

- Smells like freshly baked
- As a sweet to-go snack
- High-quality fruit filling
- Icing sugar sticks to the doughnut

Measurements: Ø 7.5 cm, h 4.5 cm

Convenience level: ready baked , deep frozen

Weight 65 g, 48 pieces / carton
56 cartons/pallets