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Plaited Yeast Cake Mix Box, 3 diff. sorts

Plaited Yeast Cake Mix Box, 3 diff. sorts

Item no. 1937

Makes 16 - 18 servings.

In the varieties:
- Nut (1)
- Poppy seed (2)
- Quark (3)

With the classic Gastro-Striezel mixed box, you get 3 particularly popular butter yeast cakes in one box. These unique, free-form cakes have been lovingly woven by hand.

- Fillings homemade
- Ready decorated
- Handcrafted look

Measurements: l 36 x w 10 x h 4 cm

Convenience level: ready baked , deep frozen

Weight 500 g, 6 pieces / carton
81 cartons/pallets