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Black Burger, sliced

Black Burger, sliced

Item no. 1845

2 bags with 10 pieces each

Serve creative burger ideas quickly and attractively in the already baked black burger bun. Naturally coloured with vegetable charcoal, the Black Burger is an eye-catcher in any offer and can be used as a quick snack, but also for delicious burger menus. The highest purity requirements are met in the production of vegetable charcoal, and residues from combustion are hardly present. So you can enjoy the intense colour of the juicy bun without remorse.

- Trendy colour
- Ready-baked and pre-cut
- Easy to handle and thaw as needed
- Without added sugar

Measurements: Ø 12 cm, h 4 cm

Convenience level: ready baked , deep frozen

Weight 100 g, 20 pieces / carton
60 cartons/pallets