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Bread Selection "Gastro", 3 diff.sorts

Bread Selection "Gastro", 3 diff.sorts

Item no. 1746

The fine baguettes are made from 100% natural ingredients and get their artisan look from baking in a stone oven. Whether classic, light or with seeds - the popular mixed box has the right bread for every taste. Offer your guests a delicious bread selection on the buffet or top soup, salad & co with a rustic addition.

Two baguettes each in the varieties:
- rustic Gastrobaguette (1)
- rustic Gastrobaguette, light (2)
- rustic Gastrobaguette seeds (3)

- Already baked
- Vegan, without animal additives
- EDNA stone oven quality

Measurements: l 53 x w 9 x h 6 cm

Convenience level: ready baked , deep frozen

Weight 500 g, 6 pieces / carton
60 cartons/pallets