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Bruschetta Selection, 3 different sorts

Bruschetta Selection, 3 different sorts

Item no. 1185

Bruschetta mixture in the varieties:
27 x feta cheese and spinach (1)
27 x cheese and tomato cubes (2)
27 x cheese, salami and paprika cubes (3)

The small, hearty slices of white bread are versatile: Whether as an appetizer, snack for in between or for your finger food buffet – the Italian antipasti are always a good choice.

- Already pre-baked
- Ideal as a hearty finger food
- Triple sorted

Measurements: Ø 7.5 cm, h 3 cm

Convenience level: parbaked , deep frozen

Weight 38 g, 81 pieces / carton
72 cartons/pallets