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Organic Mini Crusty Roll

Organic Mini Crusty Roll

Item no. 1111

Special sea salt from Guérande Le Guérandais, in southern Brittany and excellent pure flours from the Grands Moulins de Strasbourg are united here with master baker handwork for our new organic mini crusty rolls. Designation of foodstuff: Organic wheat rolls, deep-frozen.

The small crispy roll was made with pure organic flour and a special sea salt from Guérande Le Guérandais, the south of Brittany. A particularly high-quality roll and at the same time a real classic that should not be missing from any bakery shop display as well as any roll basket.

- Organic quality
- already baked
- Practical size

Controlled by the organic inspection body DE-ÖKO-006

Measurements: l 9.5 x w 6.5 x h 4.5 cm

Convenience level: ready baked , deep frozen

Weight 35 g, 140 pieces / carton
36 cartons/pallets