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Mini Pretzel Appetizer, 4 different sorts

Mini Pretzel Appetizer, 4 different sorts

Item no. 1070

Golden brown, savory snacks, decorated with different seeds for variety. Designation of the foodstuff: Lye rolls, deep-frozen.

Pretzel confectionery in four delicious varieties:
- sesame (1)
- poppy seeds (2)
- seeds (3)
- natural (4)

This popular lye rolls increases sales in every branch. Depending on the sprinkling, each of the little treats has its own aromatic taste. Best of all, the handy size means you can grab four times to try each variety.

- Four delicious varieties in one box
- Popular addition to soups and salads
- Also suitable as finger food

Measurements: l 6 x w 3.5 x h 1.5 cm

Convenience level: preproved , deep frozen

Weight 35 g, 150 pieces / carton
81 cartons/pallets