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Roll Selection, 5 different sorts

Roll Selection, 5 different sorts

Item no. 1

Our top articles - available either as an assorted carton or one sort. Mixed roll box consisting of 35 pieces each in the varieties:
- Mini malt grain rolls (1)
- Mini Rye rolls (2)
- Mini sunflower roll (3)
- Mini-corn curd roll (4)
- Mini Rose Rolls (5)

With this mixed bun box, you can offer your guests five popular items at once and, thanks to the mini format, more than one variety can be tasted. The different rolls can be taken out individually as required and processed further.

- Mini format
- Reliable calculation due to portion-precise baking
- Versatile usability

Mini malt grain rolls: Ø 6.0 cm, h 3.5 cm
Mini Rye rolls: l 8.5 x w 7.0 x h 3.5 cm
Mini sunflower roll: l 6.5 x w 5.5 x h 3.5 cm
Mini-corn curd roll: l 8.0 x w 5.5 x h 4.0 cm
Mini Rose Rolls: Ø 6.0 cm, h 4.0 cm

Convenience level: parbaked , deep frozen

Weight 38 g, 175 pieces / carton
36 cartons/pallets